Headmaster's Dinner Celebrates Outstanding Season | Epsom College
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Headmaster’s Dinner Celebrates Outstanding Season

On Monday, the Headmaster hosted a dinner to pay tribute to the successful rugby seasons of the 1st and 2nd XVs. All who attended enjoyed an evening of delicious food, entertaining speeches and a video highlights package of the season. During his speech, Director of Rugby Paul Burke thanked all the parents for their continued support on the touchlines this season and paid particular thanks to his fellow coaches and players for their outstanding effort and commitment this year.

The 1st XV progressed through to the final of the Champions Trophy losing narrowly to Wellington College 24-16 and the 2nd XV celebrated an unbeaten season.

1st XV Award Winners

  • Thomas Williams (P)
  • Makeen Alikhan (Rn)
  • Luke Nesbit (F)
  • Theo Alexis (P)

The Sanger Trophy

The trophy for the most improved 1st XV players went to Luke Nesbit (F) and Theo Alexis (P).

The Palladino Award

The award for the most consistent 1st XV players was awarded to Thomas Williams (P) and Makeen Alikhan (Rn).