Independent School Parent Magazine Celebrates Sport at Epsom College | Epsom College
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Independent School Parent Magazine Celebrates Sport at Epsom College

Earlier this term, Epsom reached the finals of the Independent School of the Year Awards, in recognition of its sporting provision. This month, Independent School Parent magazine has written an in-depth feature praising our focus on girls’ sport.

Feature Highlights

“Epsom’s efforts in recent years include large investment in state-of-the-art training facilities for our major girls’ sports, an increase in specialist-coaching expertise with the appointment of a host of former county and national players, and launch of an inspiring female industry speaker programme.”

“Prior to the Pandemic, 90% of pupils in Year 11 and above participated in competitive sports fixtures. In the junior years (Years 7-10) we often see 100% of pupils competing on pitches, fields, and courts across London and the South East.”

“The College is one of only a handful of schools in the UK to have a professional-grade water-based AstroTurf, the same as those used at the Olympic Park in London.”

“Female Old Epsomians are performing at the top level, inspiring the next generation. One of Epsom’s most successful sporting Old Epsomians is Natalie Sciver who captained England to victory in the Cricket World Cup in 2018.”

“Coaching, post-match analysis, diet and nutrition, strength and conditioning, first-class onsite facilities, and strong links with professional clubs and local organisations: everything is in place for sport to be enjoyable and successful across the whole school.”

“The philosophy at Epsom is to fuel a passion for sport in every child, regardless of ability, and to set the foundations for a healthy, active and fulfilling lifestyle beyond school.”

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