OE Mackenzie Mully Speaks At The Oxford Union | Epsom College
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OE Mackenzie Mully Speaks At The Oxford Union

Former Head of School, Mackenzie Mully (R), was selected to open the first debate of 2020 at the Oxford Union.

The team’s motion was ‘This House Has Hope For The New Decade’ and they debated against well-known figures including the Founder of Rebellion Extinction, emerging victorious: 157-54.

Head of Sixth Form, Mr Nick Russell, said: “Mackenzie embraced every opportunity to develop her speaking skills at Epsom. From the Dodd Public Speaking Competitions, to the Darbyshire Interhouse debates, to the English Enrichment Society, to the Wednesday Club, to the debates between the Philosophy Society and other academic societies. She was also was Secretary General at last year’s Epsom College MUN Conference, and co-president of the Society.

“She developed a highly engaging style of speech, characterised by eloquence and emotional intelligence. Her appreciation of language and literature – she was a most avid reader – was evident in her linguistic command, and then she would infuse her crafted spoken words with sincerity and feeling without ever lapsing into trite sentimentality.”

“In short, Mackenzie was a fine choice to launch the next decade of debating at the Oxford Union. I am not surprised she won with an overwhelming majority.”
Mr Nick Russell