What Time Will The Tour Begin?
We ask that you arrive at the Chapel for 10am. A member of our Admissions team will greet you, and pair you with one of our pupils.
Your guide will then take you around the College grounds, and show you the key departments and buildings.
If you are considering applying for Year 7, your guide will show you the Lower School building.
If you are looking at Year 9 or Year 12, your guide will take you to see their House.
How Long Will The Tour Take?
On average, Tours take about one hour. Once they have finished you will be offered refreshments, and have the opportunity to chat with senior colleagues and Admissions staff.
As we tailor the tours to specific year groups we ensure that you are able to meet with staff who are best placed to answer questions about that year of entry. For example, relevant Heads of Year, or Housemasters and Housemistresses.
The morning usually concludes around 11.30am.
What's The Difference Between an Open Morning and a College Tour?
Open Mornings
Open Mornings are the flagship events, with departmental showcases, bigger crowds and a talk from the Head. They take place on Saturday mornings, three times a year.
You will get to see: buildings, classrooms, departmental showcases sports facilities, our grounds, the Lower School, and a day or boarding house.
College Tours
College Tours are smaller affairs, that take place on weekday mornings throughout the academic year. You will see the school on a normal working morning – with lessons rather than showcases and no formal presentation from the Head.
If you are on a Year 7 tour you will see the Lower School, if you’re on a Year 9 or Year 12 tour your guide will show you their house.
Should I Bring My Child?
Absolutely! Whichever school your child ultimately joins, it’s important that they will be happy there. We believe that they also settle best when they feel they have been involved in making the choice.
Tours and Open Mornings are tailored to prospective pupils, so we hope they will get plenty from the visit.
We provide each family with their own pupil guide, who will be close in age to your child. We hope this means that your child will feel able to ask them questions, speak to them more easily, and gain valuable insights into life at Epsom.
When's The Best Time To See The College?
Year 7 & Year 9 applications
You’ll need to register by the October of your child’s Year 6. Therefore we recommend looking around when your child is in Year 5 (sometimes Year 4 if you’re really keen).
We would recommend coming with your child so that they also get a feel for the College, and our pupils.
Year 7 admissions Year 9 admissions
Year 12 applications
The best time to see the College if you’re considering applying to our Sixth Form will be in Year 10, as the registration deadline is very early (October half term) in Year 11.