OEs return for their 40 Year Reunion | Epsom College
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OEs return for their 40 Year Reunion

On Saturday, we were delighted to see over 60 OEs and their guests at a 40 Year Reunion in Main Hall.  The OEs, who left in 1981, 1982 and 1983, were joined by current and former members of staff for an evening of good food, wine and reminiscing.

The new Head, Emma Pattison, welcomed the guests before dinner and gave a brief update before announcing the College’s success at the Independent School of the Year Awards, where we picked up the Student Wellbeing award and the coveted overall prize of Independent School of the Year.

David Eaton-Jones (Fa 1977-82), a former Head of School, gave an entertaining speech and raised a toast to absent friends.

Our thanks go to Brian Morris (W 1976-81) for taking many of the photos in the gallery below.