A Great End to the Season at Festival of Mixed Tennis | Epsom College
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A Great End to the Season at Festival of Mixed Tennis

Saturday saw a festival of mixed tennis played against Haileybury, Cranleigh, Sevenoaks and Wellington. Epsom competed well across all the matches but Sevenoaks proved the toughest of opponents and successes were hard to come by. Nevertheless, some excellent mixed doubles tennis was played by 60 boys and girls from Middle Fourth to Upper Sixth and this was a great way to end the season.

Despite late withdrawals through illness and injury, the U18A Mixed Team gave a good account of themselves in this inter-school tournament. All matches were competitive, including the matches against the eventual winners, Sevenoaks – and the sudden-death-deuce format was often unkind.

Special mention must go to Yazzi Gokcemen (Rv) who was doubly promoted into the As and secured two wins paired with Harry Milne (P). Tassy Williams (R) also played superbly, despite losing her voice the night before at the Rosebery soirée. This was the last outing for three loyal musketeers – Matthew Green (F), paired with the ever-reliable Jennifer Phizackerley (Cr), Cameron Ewins (F) and Harry Milne – and it proved to be an enjoyable way to round off their Epsom tennis careers.

v Wellington Lost 0-3
v Sevenoaks Lost 0-3
v Cranleigh WON 2-1
v Haileybury WON 2-1