A Packed Philosophy and Geography Society Debate | Epsom College
  • Religious Studies

A Packed Philosophy and Geography Society Debate

The Philosophy Society and the Geography Society organised another packed debate, with 200 pupils and students in the audience and standing room only in Main Hall. Bertie Bamber (Fa) and Emily Vandrau (R) went head-to-head with Zoë Long (R) and Adahna Ekoku (Rv) to debate a motion that hinged on whether religion or geographical location has a greater influence on personal development. The entire event was organised by the Philosophy Society, with Guy Peppiatt spearheading advertising and logistics with the assistance of the Philosophy Society Committee.

All four speakers spoke incredibly articulately, with a standout performance from Adahna in particular. Emily was on her usual fist-thumping form, and Bertie and Zoë both delivered clinical and incisive speeches. In an incredibly finely balanced debate with nothing in it, the impartial adjudicator, Ruan Oliver (P), handed victory to the Philosophy Society in a difficult decision.

Again, I must commend the work of the pupils and students involved: the entire event was organised and run entirely by them, and this really is an excellent example of what members of Epsom College are capable of achieving.

Mr George Greenbury