A Reflective Service of Remembrance | Epsom College
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A Reflective Service of Remembrance

On Thursday 11 November, pupils from Years 10 and 11, Sixth Form students, staff, governors and parents gathered in St Luke’s Chapel for our annual Armistice Day service. The Chapel Choir led the singing of traditional Remembrance hymns with the Brass Ensemble accompanying O God Our Help in Ages Past. The choir also sang the anthem Greater Love Hath no Man, by John Ireland.

The Chairman of Governors and the Headmaster laid wreaths at the altar on behalf of the College community. The Right Reverend Ian Brackley, retired Bishop of Dorking, was welcomed back to the College to deliver a very moving and thought-provoking address.

Following the service, the senior cadets of the Combined Cadet Force lead the College community to the memorial garden. The Head of School placed a cross at the foot of the war memorial and the 13 College Prefects laid crosses on behalf of their Houses. These joined the 334 crosses bearing the names of former Epsom pupils who paid the ultimate sacrifice for their country.

On Friday 12 November, the Lower School, Year 9 pupils, staff, governors and parents gathered in the Chapel for their Service of Remembrance. The Lower School choir sang an anthem, We Shall Grow Not Old, composed by Assistant Director of Music, Mr Johns. The Head of Lower School and the Chairman of Governors read the lessons, the Senior Chaplain delivered the address, and the Headmaster, Chairman of Governors and Head of Lower School laid wreaths on behalf of the College community.

At the end of the service everyone made their way to the memorial garden where a representative of the Third Form and the Lower Fourth laid crosses on behalf of their year groups.

Both services were a fitting tribute to all those that have served their country and made the ultimate sacrifice.

We will remember them.