A Reflective Service of Remembrance | Epsom College
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A Reflective Service of Remembrance

The College community united in reflection on Wednesday 11 November to remember the 334 Old Epsomians who paid the ultimate sacrifice – 163 from WW1, 151 from WW2 and 20 in other conflicts. The Last Post, played with poise and elegance by Callum Scholes (G) and Daniel Hooton (Rn), could be heard across the campus, and wreaths were laid by the Heads of Houses.

The service follows commemorations that took place a week earlier – as part of All Souls’ and All Saints’ Day – in St Luke’s Chapel, when staff and pupils reflected on those whom we have loved but see no longer. We were reminded that while we miss them hugely we now carry their legacy through our own lives.

In addition on Monday 2 November and Friday 6 November, a voluntary service of reflection was held. Names of loved ones were read out and candles lit in their memory. It proved to be time well spent as the candles lit up the chancel and made the space feel even more special.

In honour of the fallen, our Head Groundsman, Jason, created two beautiful and poignant works of art with two poppies either side of a shadow outline of a soldier positioned at 11am.

Andrew Haviland, Senior Chaplain, said: “It is such an important time for the College community to come together and to reflect on all those from our community who served their country and made the ultimate sacrifice.”