All Smiles at Epsom College | Epsom College
  • A-level

All Smiles at Epsom College

2023 A-level results buck national trends and see record numbers accepted by their first choice university

Epsom College achieved excellent A-level results this year, with record numbers of students accepted onto their first choice degree course.

“I am absolutely thrilled for this year group, not least after the tragic events of February,” says Sir Anthony Seldon, Head of Epsom College. “Their extraordinary success is the result of years of hard work under my predecessors Mr Jay Piggot and Mrs Emma Pattison.”

  • Almost 60% of all A-levels were awarded the top grades of A*-A 
  • Over a third of all students achieved a clean sweep of A*-As 

“To have emerged so valiantly from all they have endured this year with the loss of their Head is quite remarkable,” says Sir Anthony. “It is thankfully extremely rare for any group of students to have experienced such profound disruption. They are a credit to the College.”