Alleyn's School MUN Conference | Epsom College
  • Co-Curricular

Alleyn’s School MUN Conference

On Saturday, Epsom attended the Alleyn’s School MUN conference. It was the first conference for all the pupils and students who attended, and they learnt a tremendous amount. Although no silverware was won, all the pupils and students had a marvellous time. Here two pupils reflect on the day.

Zacharia Hafeez

“I arrived at school really early on the morning of the MUN and there was a long coach journey to Alleyn’s. Once we got to Alleyn’s we were met with a lovely reception with tea, coffee, mini pain au chocolate and mini croissants. Then we had an interesting assembly about the environment from a past embassy member. After that we went to our classrooms to begin our debates and policies.

“I was part of human rights so we discussed the death penalty and child trafficking. I was Canada and, since we sat in alphabetical order, I was next to Brazil and China. There was a really nice older boy representing China who helped me throughout which made me enjoy and understand the experience more.

“After our debates we had an emergency assembly where we had to deal with Atlantis and their advanced weapons and their anti-pollution policies which was really fun. Overall, I found this opportunity really fun, educational and the food was very good too!”


James Mathews

“Alleyn’s MUN was a unique and first experience for many of us. It was an opportunity for debate, use of analytical skills as well as a chance to have fun. Each representative spoke about different topics and made amendments to proposed resolutions leading to an inclusive and joy-filled day.

“From dividing India into different countries to making trade deals with the newly risen Atlantis, the experience was that of a distinctive and joyful one.”