American University Presentations | Epsom College
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American University Presentations

As an introduction to those considering applying to USA (and also to Canada, albeit an easier process), Daniel de Witt and Daisy Hill (of Banyan Educational Consultancy, which supports are students making American applications) will be coming into Epsom College to deliver a live presentation to any interested L6th on the evening of Thursday 17 September (in ML3), which will also be available online on Teams for all students and parents. The presentation will fall into different segments. The times below have been amended.

  • 4.45-5.45pm: Daniel de Witt and Bob Patterson (former Director of Admissions at Stanford) will speak on general US admissions, liberal arts curriculum and sports scholarships: live for L6th who can attend, open to all other students and parents via Teams
  • 6.10-7.00pm. Daisy Hill will explain the model of support for Epsom students, followed by presentations by two contrasting US universities, Northeastern and UC Berkeley. Northeastern is a private institution on the east coast focusing on ‘experiential learning’, with internships at the heart of its curriculum. UC Berkeley is a public, west coast institution with core traditions and a liberal arts approach to education. Live for L6th students, open to all other students and parents via Teams.

This link will work for both 5pm and 6.10pm: American University Presentations