Annual CCF Field Day 2022 | Epsom College
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Annual CCF Field Day 2022

This year’s CCF Field Day was as busy as ever, with trips to HMS Collingwood, Hampshire and West Sussex. Cadets across all three disciplines enjoyed a day of team building, training and leadership exercises, demonstrating great energy, enthusiasm and discipline.


29 members of the Fifth Form Bradford Company, accompanied by four Upper Sixth Cadet Non-Commissioned Officers (NCOs) and five members of staff, boarded minibuses bound for a training area on Bramshott Common, carrying all they needed for the next 24 hours in their Bergens.

They successfully erected bashas to sleep in woodland overnight, cooked their own dinners, patrolled the area looking for enemy activity, carried out a night ambush and successfully collapsed their harbour before they rehearsed and completed section attacks. The group worked hard and learned a lot from their overnight experience, developing their understanding of field craft tactics, as well as consolidating their camp craft skills.

The Upper Fourth Training Company stayed on campus at the College and got stuck into basic training elements including drill, first aid, basic fieldcraft and shooting.

Those cadets from the Shephard Company (Fifth Form) also had a full day’s training with elements of drill, shooting, a first aid scenario and command tasks to complete.

All the cadets thoroughly enjoyed pushing themselves and certainly learnt new skills in the process.


The Royal Navy section of the CCF made its way to HMS Collingwood, the Royal Navy’s onshore training establishment in Fareham. An early start was followed by a morning filled with archery, an intersection drill parade competition and a trip to the NAAFI.

The cadets took part in some practical leadership tasks, further developing their leadership and problem-solving skills and also completed part of the Royal Navy’s Leadership Academy low ropes course. Unfortunately, foul weather brought proceedings to an early halt. However, the cadets conducted themselves marvellously and remained in high spirits throughout.


Over 40 Upper Fourth, Fifth Form and Upper Sixth cadets took part in a challenging day of activities at Blackland Farm, East Grinstead.

The cadets’ nerves were tested on the abseiling wall and crate climbing challenge, which required a lot of concentration, coordination, balance and excellent teamwork. In addition, the cadets’ put their logical thinking and communication skills to the test in a series of teambuilding physical command tasks.

The day was a good opportunity for cadets in different flights to get to know each other and work with cadets from different year groups. It was pleasing to see them having fun and pushing themselves out of their comfort zones and learning skills beyond the classroom.