Annual Epsom College MUN Conference A Great Success | Epsom College
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Annual Epsom College MUN Conference A Great Success

Epsom MUN teams do the College proud as we take turn to host conference.

Last Saturday we welcomed over 65 delegates to the campus for the annual EPMUN conference. Delegates were treated to a breakfast where they were able to talk to like-minded students from across the region in anticipation of the debates later in the day.

Christ Lau (Upper Sixth, Wilson) and Dejan Filipas (Year 10, Forest) delivered an opening ceremony speech, sharing the unknown history of the Model United Nations and preparing everyone for the day ahead.

Over the following four hours, the participants tirelessly worked away on their respective committees, debating topics ranging from abandoning earth to the right to adequate housing.

Many great moments came out of these committee debates, most notably in the Sci-Fi committee, and Epsom College’s twist on the usual Historical Committee.

Testament to these committees running smoothly were the student admin team on the day, all of whom had gone out of their way to ensure the conference went as best it could. Special mention must go to Jasper Won (Year 10, Holman), whose technical knowledge managed to save the day on numerous occasions. 

Once the day of fruitful debate in committees had come to an end, delegates were thrown another challenge to debate, ‘Nuclear weapons, recently discovered by UN agents in Cuba’. This issue was fiercely debated in General Assembly, chaired by John Gartside (Year 10, Propert) which saw countries having to face long Q&A sessions and write resolutions on the spot.

Finally, the closing ceremony of EPMUN 2023 took place, with 20 awards being given to delegates from a wide array of schools, delivered by their Epsom College committee chairs.

Special mention must go to James Mathews (Year 11, Robinson) for his exceptional planning of the conference whilst undertaking his GCSEs. Furthermore, Secretary General Christy Lau, Mr Greenbury and Dr Dalton were instrumental in the planning and execution of the event. We hope to welcome everyone back next year.