Barbershop Lunchtime Recital on the Quad Lawn | Epsom College
  • Music

Barbershop Lunchtime Recital on the Quad Lawn

The Barbershop Chorus and Staff Barbershop Quartet provided some pre-half-term entertainment by putting on a lunchtime recital on the Quad Lawn. This was the first concert to be open to all pupils and staff in over a year, and it was gratifying to see a large audience in attendance.

The Barbershop Chorus, bedecked in their customary blazers and bow ties, performed some old favourites, as well as two pieces they had learnt since returning to College: the sea shanty Randy Dandy Oh and Blue Moon, the latter featuring Felix Porter (H) as a Sinatra-esque soloist.

The Staff Barbershop Quartet, also dressed appropriately for the occasion, in blazers, bow ties and boaters, performed their two ‘video hit singles’ from the lockdown, Disney favourites Let it Go and Go the Distance.

Randy Dandy Oh


Go the Distance