Bebras Computational Thinking Challenge 2018 | Epsom College
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Bebras Computational Thinking Challenge 2018

At the beginning of November, 375 Epsom College Computer Science pupils in all years have taken part in a national problem-solving competition that tested their computational thinking, decomposition, algorithms, and problem-solving skills.

This competition consisted of very challenging puzzles set across different age ranges. Challenges included complex computer science concepts, and almost 200,000 pupils across the UK took part. This is an increasingly popular contest, with bright computer scientists taking part. Epsom students, once again, excelled.

61 pupils achieved scores in the top 10% in the country, and will participate in Round Two, in March 2019. Of these, one student – Harry Si (G) – already qualified for the final round, which will take place at the University of Oxford, in February 2019. A wonderful achievement.

Click on the following links to see the list of all students and their certificates:

Category JUNIOR (Third form)

Category INTERMEDIATE (Lower Fourth and Middle Fourth)

Category SENIOR (GCSE)

Category ELITE (A-level)

Congratulations to all pupils who gained a certificate, but also to everyone who participated.