Benenden MUN Conference | Epsom College
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Benenden MUN Conference

Once again, Epsom had a very successful day of engaging debate at the Benenden MUN conference. Emily Vandrau (R) achieved yet another Outstanding Delegate award, representing Nigeria in the World Health Organisation Committee on the question of the eradication of mosquito-borne diseases. Emily continued to make her presence known with well-reasoned and insightful arguments which successfully led to her having an amendment passed, despite some strong opposition from other delegates.

Similarly, Caroline Lansdown (W) had her resolution on the illegal use of child soldiers debated in the Disarmament and International Security Committee and she spoke eloquently and purposefully, representing Nigeria, both in committee and in the General Assembly in front of the entire conference.

In total, eight pupils and students attended, these were: Ebube Akojie (Wh), Jay Doshi (Fa), Anna Demenok (Wh) and Teo Mladenov (H) (representing Togo); and Wendy Wong (Wh), Emily Vandrau, Theo Mully (P) and Caroline Lansdown (representing Nigeria) Very well done to all for yet another day of fruitful and purposeful debate.