Canon Adrian Celebrates 60 Years Since Being Ordained | Epsom College
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Canon Adrian Celebrates 60 Years Since Being Ordained

It was 60 years ago this week that Canon Adrian was ordained in Southwark Cathedral and the College was delighted to acknowledge this with a rousing round of applause. He was presented with the framed print of St Luke’s Chapel and the book Benevolence and Excellence, a History of Epsom College, signed by the Headmaster.

We also presented Mrs Jean Esdaile with a bouquet of flowers as a thank you for all the support she has given him over the years. We are blessed that he continues to minister at the College and we are delighted to be able to call on his expertise and wisdom. Many congratulations Canon Adrian.

This week in Chapel, Associate Chaplain, Canon Adrian Esdaile, gave the sermon on the Christian festival of Trinity. He spoke about how Christians over time began to describe God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit and how this definition of God has enabled him to empowered him in his ministry.

By Revd Canon Andrew Haviland