CCF Field Day 2020 | Epsom College
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CCF Field Day 2020

This year’s CCF Field Day was busy as ever, and though Covid-19 restrictions meant much of the activities took place at the College, the cadets took much away from their training and teambuilding. In their year group bubbles cadets completed a huge amount in a relatively short period of time.


A total of 48 RAF cadets and accompanying staff enjoyed the field day activities on College campus on 7 October.

In spite of a week of wet and windy weather beforehand, we were blessed with warm sunshine throughout the field day. Activities involved various teambuilding tasks and competitions including sports, tug of war, tent set-up exercise and various command tasks.

According to College’s Covid -19 management plan, the RAF team worked in three different bubbles. After a long, tiring and physically challenging afternoon, the cadets watched a film on the role of RAF in the Battle of Britain during the Second World War. It was followed by a classroom exercise on this topic.

We are very pleased with the energy, enthusiasm, commitment and discipline shown by our cadets. The following deserve a special mention for their team spirit, participation, cooperation and leadership skills:

  • Upper Fourth: James Riley (C), Oliver Booth (Rn), Daniel Singer (Rn), Olessia Zhevago (Cr), Selim Ardac (G) and Amy Henwood (Wh)
  • Fifth Form: Lily Taylor- Fitzgibbon (Rv), Poppy Tilling (Cr), Richard Brotherton (Rn), Jason Churcher (Fa)
  • Sixth Form: Oliver Hughes (G), Fraser Spalding (Fa), Leonidas Kounoupias (C)



The Royal Navy Section had to change its plans at short notice, owing to the Royal Navy training team being stranded in Southampton for coronavirus related reasons.

Cadets engaged in a variety of activities, some joining the Advanced Infantry on manoeuvres and others practising their marksmanship on the College ranges.

The Sixth Form Leadership Cadre continued their work on the leadership and teambuilding syllabus, preparing for the recommencement of their duties when coronavirus restrictions are eased.



The U4s (Training Company) were involved in a full programme of weapon handling, drill, command tasks and time spent in the confidence course.

Out of the 52 Cadets, individuals that did particularly well were: Yihan Li (W), Kai Hosier (Fa),  George Mecrate-Butcher ( C), Raquel Williams (W), Tabitha Evans (M), Sophia Palmer (W), Amelia Burke (Rv), Amber Roberts (Wh), Alexander Pollington (H) and Ava Manketo (Rv). Section two won the Best Section competition.

The Fifth Form (Advanced Infantry) carried out a variety of training throughout the afternoon including cooking ration packs for lunch, weapon handling, section attacks and a final tug of war for the Section Competition.

Throughout the day the three sections were assessed by the training staff with 1 Section leading the way and winning the best section for the afternoon.

There were some great individual performances across all sections, demonstrations of maturity and leadership from Arthur van Grondelle (C) Tom Glynne-Percy (G) and Farrah Stephens-Martin (M).

The Lower Sixth Leadership Cadre made full use of the opportunities provided by Field Afternoon to undertake a range of activities and exercises, and develop not only their leadership skills but also their team confidence and sense of camaraderie.

From the more cerebral tasks of planning the retrieval of a missing missile, and delivering prepared speeches, to the full-body, full-on, gusto of an army physical training fitness test, the group worked hard and challenged themselves to go beyond their comfort zones in a number of areas.

The Upper Sixth carried out various leadership roles throughout the afternoon and two NCOs that showed undoubted leadership qualities were Max Way (C) and Felix Porter (H).