CCF Leadership Cadre Practical Component | Epsom College
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CCF Leadership Cadre Practical Component

The Lower Sixth CCF Leadership Cadre spent Thursday working toward achieving one of the practical components for their BTEC Level 2 qualification in Teamwork and Personal Development in the Community.

It was a both hugely challenging and enormously enjoyable day of climbing, abseiling and bouldering, where the group learned belaying skills as well as different strategies and climbing techniques in tackling a wide array of climbs. The group needed to rely on each other both practically and emotionally, and it was a fine display of Epsom College teamwork at its best, on many levels.

The day culminated with a showdown for the fastest climber, which was narrowly won by Arthur van Grondelle (C) who finally pipped the fastest climb by Kitty Ellis (Wh) by 0.2 seconds in one of the final climbs of the day!

By Clare Jeens