Charity Golf Day raises funds for The Mermaid | Epsom College
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Charity Golf Day raises funds for The Mermaid

On a wet and windy 27th September 2022, Old Epsomians, current and former parents and members of the Epsom College community attended Walton Health Golf Club for our annual charity golf day.

The players took to the Old Course to vie for the team and individual prizes.  The Yellow Ball competition was hotly contested, and despite the autumnal weather making the course even more demanding than usual, all players excelled themselves and showed great form across this challenging prestigious course.

Once the impressive scores had been totted up, guests enjoyed drinks and supper in the club house, where prizes were awarded. 

Miss Helen Tranter, Director of Development, hosted the event, which included a raffle and silent auction draw, and the Head, Mrs Emma Pattison, thanked all who attended.

All proceeds from the day were in support of the charity appeal to raise funds for the College’s new state-of-the-art centre for excellence, The Mermaid Building.  We are now in the final stages of the project and hope that this amazing 2000 square metre development will be open in early spring 2023. 

We are most grateful to all who are donating and making this landmark development a reality.  The golf day raised in excess of £5,000 to help fund this exciting project.

Thank you again to all who attended and to everyone who played their part in making this event a great success.

We will be holding another golf day in the autumn of 2023.  Dates and times are yet to be finalised, but do contact the OE Club if you wish to register your interest in advance.