Choral Society and Chapel Choir in fine voice | Epsom College
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Choral Society and Chapel Choir in fine voice

On Sunday evening members of the Chapel Choir joined ranks with the Epsom College Choral Society and an ensemble of professional brass and percussion players to present a rousing performance of Joseph Jongen’s Mass for Choir, Organ and Brass and John Rutter’s Gloria.

Rehearsals had begun earlier in the afternoon and, by the time the large audience arrived at the College Chapel, both Choral Society and Chapel Choir were in fine voice, and presented a really exciting evening of music.

Particular mention should go to pupil soloists Jasmine Bingham (M), Julia Cherry (W), Evelyn Chan (Cr), Chiara Fahy-Spada (M), James Macfarlane (Rn) and Matthew Green (F).