College Celebrates Third Anniversary of Peer-Support App Partnership | Epsom College
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College Celebrates Third Anniversary of Peer-Support App Partnership

This January marks the third anniversary of Epsom College’s partnership with peer-support app Tellmi.  

Tellmi is a mental health app which provides pupils with a safe and anonymous space to talk about difficult things and receive support from peers who may have had similar relatable experiences. 

The app uses the latest psychological research into peer support and positive psychology that promotes emotional resilience, empathy and confidence. The app is safe and anonymous and all posts and replies are moderated – within minutes – by real people. They never use bots! This prevents bullying, harassment or humiliation. 

An Epsom pupil said: “I love the fact that we can share our feelings in a protected space, seeking advice or scrolling through other people’s comments reassures me that we are going through similar issues as young people.”  

As part of their partnership with Epsom College, Tellmi visits the school to hold workshops with pupils. Last year, they visited during Pride Week and worked with various year groups to offer peer mentoring training.  

One of our former pupils is now working for the company as part of his Gap Year. 

Helen Keevil, Assistant Head: Pupil Welfare, said: “We have seen that when our pupils share their worries and how they are feeling, and see that their peers may also be having similar thoughts, their feelings of anxiety or isolation lessen. One excellent piece of feedback we’ve had is the app’s value in supporting boys’ mental health. Over half our users are male.” 

Watch this video created by Tellmi following a visit to Epsom last year:

Tellmi School Engagement – Epsom College from Tellmi on Vimeo.