College Unveils New Professional Grade Water-Based AstroTurf | Epsom College
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College Unveils New Professional Grade Water-Based AstroTurf

Epsom is one of only a handful of schools in the UK to have a professional-grade water-based AstroTurf, the same as those used at the Olympic Park in London. The enhanced facilities are designed to meet the most demanding requirements of competitive hockey.

Director of Hockey, Mr Dave Beckett, said: “We are so excited to unveil our new state-of-the-art AstroTurf. Water-based pitches are considered the best playing surfaces for Hockey as the water reduces friction for quicker and smoother game play, and prevents the ball from bouncing up and hitting the players. Hockey at Epsom is going from strength to strength, and this facility will help to cement our position among the top-performing schools in the country.”