College’s Best Ever GCSE Results With 83.4% 7-9s (A-A*) | Epsom College
  • GCSE

College’s Best Ever GCSE Results With 83.4% 7-9s (A-A*)

Epsom pupils have broken all previous GCSE records. Their outstanding grades beat every previous year not affected by the pandemic.

“Congratulations to all pupils on achieving 83.4% 7-9s (A-A*) in their GCSEs, the best ever performance by a distance in competitive public exams. This year group did so through sheer hard work, focus and determination,” says Head of Epsom College, Sir Anthony Seldon.

  • 83.4% of GCSEs were awarded 7-9 (A-A*)
  • 63% are 8-9 (A*)
  • 45% of all pupils achieved a clean sweep of the top grades of 7-9 (A-A*)

Sir Anthony Seldon commented: “I am very happy for these girls and boys. I salute them, their teachers, and the really outstanding leadership of my extraordinary predecessors Mr Jay Piggot and Mrs Emma Pattison for inspiring these pupils so brilliantly on this journey.”