College's Youngest Musicians Take to the Stage | Epsom College
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College’s Youngest Musicians Take to the Stage

On Wednesday evening the Third Form and Lower Fourth took over Big School for the Music Department’s termly Lower School Concert. There were solo performances in a wide range of genres, ranging from classical guitar to jazz piano and musical theatre, and all of the soloists performed at an incredibly high level, showcasing great composure, nerves and musical skill.

There were also performances from the Lower School Concert Band and Junior Blues group, showing the strength of collaborative music-making in these year groups, as well as allowing the pupils to demonstrate their impressive jazz improvisation skills.

The concert ended with a highly rousing performance of Seasons of Love from the musical Rent by the whole Third Form Choir. This tradition is now very much established, ensuring that all new Third Form pupils are able to engage with Epsom’s remarkably strong choral tradition from their first day at the College. It was wonderful for them to be accompanied by a band formed of Middle Fourth music scholars, showing what they might aspire to in only a couple of years.

It was a tremendous evening, all in front of a packed audience, and showcased the huge strength of music in the Lower School.