Covid-19 Testing Over the Easter Holidays | Epsom College
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Covid-19 Testing Over the Easter Holidays

Many thanks to all parents, guardians and pupils for the manner in which you have followed the guidance on Lateral Flow Testing. We are pleased to report that no positive cases have been reported so far, and that all pupils – and associated bubbles – have been able to enjoy a full timetable of lessons, activities, and sport.

With some restrictions lifting over the course of the Easter Holiday, it is important that we remain vigilant. Continuing to test and catching any asymptomatic carriers of Covid-19 will be vital in keeping the spread of the virus to a minimum.

Your child will now have been provided with lateral flow testing kits for use over the Easter Holidays. In line with Government guidance, we are asking that all staff and pupils continue to test themselves twice-weekly: once on Sunday evening and once again on Thursday morning. 

Sticking to this timetable will mean that the testing programme can resume seamlessly, and in synch, at the start of the summer term.


Reporting the results

Please only contact your child’s HMM or Head of Lower School if a positive result will cause your child to miss the start of Summer Term.

Otherwise, we do not require you to report your results to the school over the holidays. You may register any results – positive, negative or void – via the Government website here should you wish.

If the result of your child’s test is positive, you must arrange a PCR test to confirm the result. You can do this online by clicking here.