D-Day Commemoration at Epsom College - We Will Remember | Epsom College
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D-Day Commemoration at Epsom College – We Will Remember

On Wedneday 5 June we came together as a College for a very moving Chapel service and remembered Old Epsomians who committed the ultimate sacrifice and died in conflict

The 80th Anniversary of D-Day gave the College the opportunity to remember Mr William Lewis (Forest, 1936-39) who died on D-Day having made it over Gold beach. We heard from Jacob Secker, Cedric Lee and James Mathews, representing the Tri-Service CCF, who spoke very movingly about William Lewis. His story was illuminated with beautiful photographs from Normandy and we heard about the formation of the British Normandy Memorial that includes OE and broadcaster Nicholas Witchell (Rosebery, 1967-71) as one of its founders. The Head placed a wreath for William Lewis as we took a moment to remember him, the countries in conflict today, and the members of our own families who have been touched by military action. 

On Thursday 6 June, the anniversary of D-Day itself, the Tri-Service CCF flags were paraded to the Garden of Remembrance by Jacob, Cedric and James, supported by Contingent Commander Major MacDowel and SSI Paul Reilly. They gathered around the statue of Tommy and Canon Haviland led a service to remember William Lewis as the College committed itself to spread peace in the world. The Head placed a wreath at the foot of the statue and Cedric placed a poppy cross for William. 

The Garden has been decorated by our Grounds Manager, Jason O’Keefe, assisted by CCF cadets who have created a thoughtful artistic display for this very moving anniversary.