Darbyshire Debating & Junior Dodd | Epsom College
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Darbyshire Debating & Junior Dodd

This week saw the finals of two of the College’s most prestigious debating and public speaking competitions: The Junior Dodd, and the Darbyshire Debating competitions.

Despite the unusual circumstances, with debates and addresses delivered via Zoom and Teams, the talent and skill was as accomplished as any previous year.

Junior Dodd

Miss Bubbear says: “This was not a ‘normal’ Junior Dodd and all pupils deserve a huge amount of credit for researching, writing and delivering a speech in such a busy time and in such strange circumstances.
“With all bar one entry (Ella!) from the U4, who had the tightest turnaround, this is especially impressive. Well done U4!
“I enjoyed watching each and every one of them; there was such a variety of topics, all were extremely well researched and all displayed a genuine understanding of how to have real impact on an audience.
“We were lucky to have Miss Hasan as a judge this year. She very kindly agreed to spend some time out of her busy schedule to watch each video and reach a decision on the top three. Here are her comments on those three:
  • 1st: Mojo (Teaching Black History in More Depth in Schools)

“A passionate delivery, and multiple well-exemplified arguments as to why the curriculum needs to be more diverse.” 

  • 2nd: Verity (Why Teachers Should Get Paid More)

“Great pace, funny, well-reasoned and researched points on how improving pay for teachers is better for everyone.”

  • 3rd: Ella (What Goes on in an Olm’s Brain?)

“Interesting choice of topic, one she is evidently inspired by, delivered extremely well.”

Darbyshire Debating

The four finalist houses Propert, Carr, Rosebery, and White debated the motion This House Has No Confidence In Her Majesty’s Government.

Here, Mr Ciaran Lee, Head of Debating, reviews the tournament.

“Following eight excellent speeches, I had to make an extremely tough decision.

“I am pleased to announce that this year’s Lower Sixth Darbyshire Debating champions are White House as represented by Alice Jenkins and Ella Pilkington.

“This was a truly outstanding debate that featured a level of originality, insight, and sophistication rarely seen in many popular news programmes. It has been a successful tournament, despite being conducted virtually due to circumstances, and all participants should be proud of their efforts.”