The Epsom College Hospital Run | Epsom College
  • Sport

The Epsom College Hospital Run

We’re asking members of Epsom College to run, walk or cycle as many kilometres as possible before the May half term to raise £20,000 in support of the NHS Headley Court Hospital’s response to Covid-19.

Epsom & St Helier NHS Trust has been one of the hardest hit in the current crisis. With more deaths in the local community than experienced in much of the rest of the country.

Epsom College began life as the Royal Medical Benevolent College, helping the widows and orphans of medical professionals. Therefore it is only right that today we do our bit to help the medical profession fight back against Covid-19, and support those in our community battling their way back to fitness.


1. Run, walk or cycle as many kms as you can – daily, weekly, however often you can manage

2. People can sponsor you for every km you hit. Or you can set yourself a target and ask people to sponsor you if you hit (or smash through) it.

You then send in your donations to the Epsom College Hospital Run JustGiving page.

3. Send in evidence* of the distance covered to

4. As an added incentive, you’ll automatically become part of a team, competing for glory against other teams at the College:

    • Lower School – including tutors, heads of year, and Head of Lower School
    • School Houses (including HMMs and Tutors)
    • Senior Management
    • Support Staff
    • Parents

5. The winning team is the one that clocks up the highest average distance per team member.


*Evidence can include screenshots from your Fitbit, Strava, Apple watch, phone trackers etc..

Please also Tweet @epsomc_sport with pictures of you and your family getting involved.