Drama Scholars Develop Stage Combat Skills | Epsom College
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Drama Scholars Develop Stage Combat Skills

On Thursday 17th March, Mark Ruddick ran a professional Stage Combat workshop for our Drama scholars. Mark is a professional performer working within film, TV and theatre and his credits include, Glyndebourne Opera, The National Theatre, and Marvel Studios. 

M4 Drama Scholar, Ananya Kailasam, writes:

“This was such a fun experience and something very different to what I expected. We learnt so many new skills and incorporated them all into a fight sequence.

I will admit there were points where I was a little scared, since we were effectively learning how to choke each other – safely of course! – but I gave it a go and it was so much fun.

Aside from throwing punches and strangling each other, we also did some sword work. This was definitely my highlight of this workshop as it was something completely new to me.

It was very hard at first but after a while, we got used to it and it became a lot of fun. We then learnt a series of combinations and slowly amped up the difficulty as we got more confident. This was an amazing workshop and a skill that I will take forward and apply to my acting work in the future!”