Drama Workshop With Cordelia Stevenson | Epsom College
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Drama Workshop With Cordelia Stevenson

On Monday 4 October, the Upper Fourth GCSE and Lower Sixth A-level Drama students were visited by Cordelia Stevenson. Cordelia is an actor-practitioner from the Splendid Theatre Company who creates challenging, entertaining, and politically engaging theatre for young audiences. Our students were offered a two-hour professional workshop exploring all things Bertolt Brecht to consolidate their current learning.

Millie Milne (Rv) said: “We explored Gestus and learned about the Verfremdungseffekt. I really enjoyed being able to be physical and act with the Lower Sixth. I think it was really beneficial for my group to develop our current devised practical piece as Cordelia ensured we included different points of view, in typical Brecht style. As we are studying Bertolt Brecht in our lessons, it was useful to go into detail about Gestus and understand how important it was for Brecht’s work. Cordellia was really inspirational for our piece and gave us all new ideas to explore in the classroom.”