Duke of Edinburgh Training Day | Epsom College
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Duke of Edinburgh Training Day

Gold DofE Training Day

Wednesday saw 66 new Gold recruits get some vital training in preparation for their expeditions next year. The aim of the day was to make sure pupils are prepared for their Assessed Expedition next summer, where they have to navigate and camp independently for five nights and four days. They have to be 100% self-sufficient including carrying all their own kit and food.

The groups were expertly trained by a group of five qualified Mountain Leaders who imparted vast amounts of knowledge throughout this action-packed day. This cohort missed their chance to do any expeditions for Silver so a lot of what was covered was very new to them. We went back to basics – tent-pitching, boiling water and kit-packing – but participants also gained vital first aid knowledge and started planning their routes for their Practice Expedition to the Peak District in April.

It was the first time they had been put in their expedition groups and it was interesting to see the group dynamics in action.


Silver DofE Training Day

Our enthusiastic Upper Fourth Silver participants pulled on their finest outdoor clothing, including some new boots, to brave their first full day’s training for the Silver Duke of Edinburgh Award this week. The Navigation Day meant the 33 participants met first thing on Wednesday morning to meet their Mountain Leaders who wasted no time putting the pupils’ map-reading skills to the test.

Packed lunches in hand, they headed up to the Epsom Downs for beautiful views over London and their first experience with compass bearings, pacing and communication skills out in the field. Some of our most ambitious groups covered over 16km through the day and they returned to school tired but excited for our expeditions over Easter and in the Summer Term. Well done to all of those pupils who took part.