EPQ Students Utilise University Library for Their Research | Epsom College
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EPQ Students Utilise University Library for Their Research

This week, 24 Lower Sixth students became university researchers as they visited the Hartley Library at the University of Southampton to supplement their work on their Extended Projects.

The students applied to join the trip by identifying why they would need university research to complete their project. 

The day began with a productive trawl through Southampton’s databases, and the students experienced a campus lunch at the Student Union. 

The afternoon was spent combing the Hartley Library for useful books and exploring the world of a busy university library. This year’s projects range from investigating alternatives to statins in the treatment of high cholesterol, to questioning whether hip-hop music has had a measurable effect on protest movements.

We wish the whole EPQ cohort the best of luck as they continue to research and begin to write their projects.