Epsom Community Welcomes Spanish Exchange Pupils | Epsom College
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Epsom Community Welcomes Spanish Exchange Pupils

From the 8-15 June, Epsom College hosted a group of Spanish students in the UK leg of the Spanish exchange that saw some of our pupils spend a week in Barcelona with host families.

On the Monday each of the Spanish students received a College-branded jumper as a welcome gift to the community. They spent the first weekend with their host families, who introduced them to some of the gems of South East England.

During the three days that they were in lessons, the Spanish students shadowed their host-siblings and blended in with the rest of the Upper Fourth cohort. They also spent two days in London with their teacher, exploring places like the Sky Garden, the Tower of London, and taking in the sights around Westminster.

On the last day, the pupils from our partner school were simply lost for words to describe how welcome they were made to feel by the Epsom community, and how grateful they were to their host-families for their hospitality. Before they got in their taxis to the airport there was already talk of a reunion. Long may these friendships last!

By Jordi March