Epsom Pair Complete London Marathon | Epsom College
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Epsom Pair Complete London Marathon

Miss Rebecca Berger-North, Head of PE, and Gap student Jessica Haughey ran the iconic London Marathon in aid of charity. Hear how they got on below.

Rebecca Berger-North

“I absolutely loved the experience, and the atmosphere was incredible. It was amazing to take part in such an iconic event that passed so many London landmarks and I am really happy to have finished in 3 hours 42 minutes. The weather did not dampen the mood of the crowd and their constant encouragement, as well as seeing family, friends and even some pupils around the course, gave me such a boost. Being able to share this experience with my colleague and friend, Jess Haughey, made this day even more special and memorable.

I would like to say a massive thank you to parents, colleagues and pupils for supporting me both before and after the marathon. I’m over the moon to have raised nearly £4000 for Blood Cancer UK and want to thank everyone who donated to this charity that means so much to myself and my family.”

If anyone would still like to contribute, the link to donate is:

Becky Berger-North is fundraising for Blood Cancer UK (justgiving.com)

Jessica Haughey

“It was a day I will never forget. It was extremely special for me as I got to run the marathon alongside my dad, crossing the finish line hand in hand after 3 hours and 52 minutes of running!

I could not have done it without the support of my colleagues and friends from Epsom College, alongside my family and friends from university who came to watch and encourage me every step of the way. The love and support I had around me really enabled me to keep pushing through despite the mental and physical struggles of the day.

I really wanted to set myself a challenge this year and running the marathon was probably one of the biggest challenges I could have gone for! I think sometimes in life we spend time trying to convince ourselves that we might not be able to do things and often let nerves get the better of us. From running the marathon I have proven to myself that you can achieve anything you set your mind to. In the words of Muhammad Ali: “Impossible is nothing.”

I would encourage anyone who is contemplating running a marathon to embrace the challenge and go at it wholeheartedly! Watching everyone come together – strangers, friends, family, and members of the public – all to support one another was an incredible thing to be a part of and I will remember it forever!

I ran the London Marathon in aid of Guide Dogs UK. I feel extremely privileged to have been part of such an amazing event that makes such a difference to so many people through the money raised for so many charities and I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who donated to my fundraising page. I am very proud of the amount I raised as I know this will make a huge difference to so many people living with vision impairments and sight loss.”

If you would like to contribute to Jess’s fundraising, you can do so on this link – Guide Dogs: Jessica Haughey (enthuse.com)