Epsom Pupils Knit For Premature Babies | Epsom College
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Epsom Pupils Knit For Premature Babies

Epsom College pupils are rallying in support of premature babies this term, in the latest venture for the College’s long-running and award-winning service programme. The pupils are putting their new knitting and crocheting skills to good use by working on hats, blankets and booties for premature babies in the Neonatal units at our local Epsom & St Helier hospitals. The group meets every Wednesday to work on these pieces which, once completed, will be delivered to the hospital for use on the wards.

Roshie Watkins, Service Co-ordinator, said “It has been great to see the pupils embrace their newly-acquired skills and work on more advanced knitting projects. Having a baby who needs special care in a Neonatal Unit is a very testing time for any parent, so it’s great that our pupils can play a small part in helping these families. The Maternity staff give them round-the-clock expert care so the smaller touches, such as making sure every baby gets their very own hand-made blanket, hat or booties, makes a huge difference.”