Exciting Tour of New York for Performing Arts Students | Epsom College
  • Fifth Form

Exciting Tour of New York for Performing Arts Students

Three jam-packed days in the Big Apple left GCSE and A-level drama students inspired and entertained in equal measure, reports Lara Jakes, Director of Dance & Drama.

Over the Easter break, 30 GCSE and A-level drama students went on an exciting and informative performing arts tour to New York. Over three days, they watched three Broadway shows, took part in three Broadway workshops, and sang along with professional performers at Ellen’s Stardust Diner. This was on top of going up the Empire State Building, exploring Times Square, walking through Central Park, and seeing the Statue of Liberty, as well as having a quieter moment of reflection at the 911 Memorial.

With so much to do in just three days, this trip really was a unique and inspiring experience for all. As you can see from the quotes below, the students all had their favourite activities:

“I absolutely loved all three performances that we watched: Hadestown, Sweeney Todd and Hell’s Kitchen, as they showed different styles and types of acting.”

 “I really, really enjoyed the workshops – improvisation, dance and script writing and performing. They were really intriguing, taught me a lot of things and were very interactive, which I liked.” 

“I loved waking around the city itself, seeing Times Square and Central Park!” 

Lara Jakes, Director of Drama and Dance