Festive Events Brings Amount Raised for Charity This Term to £6,000 | Epsom College
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Festive Events Brings Amount Raised for Charity This Term to £6,000

Throughout the term, the College community has generously fundraised and provided donations for various local and national charities.

Lead by the College’s Charity Committee, formed of pupils from across every House and year group, the school has been able to raise more than £4,500 for the Teenage Cancer Trust, our chosen National Charity of the Year.  

This amount was raised in several fun and inventive ways over the course of the term and especially over the past few weeks. 

From the Great Epsom Bake Off, won by Murrell’s Isabella Pinnes (Year 10) with her fabulous Christmas creation, to the Holman boys forgoing their customary end of term takeaway by attempting to make their own pizzas and donating the money they would have spent to the charity instead. The evening was a great success, even if it was a military operation cooking 64 pizzas in the House’s limited oven space. Thanks to the boys’ donations, and the generosity of the Holman parents, they managed to raise an incredible £1,000 from that evening alone.  

The ever-popular Christmas Extravaganza this week saw staff and students coming together to perform an all-singing and all-dancing evening of performances, raising almost £700 in the process. 

But the Teenage Cancer Trust wasn’t the only charity we supported this year. Alongside donations of food and hygiene items (equating to almost two tonnes) to the Epsom and Ewell Food Bank as part of the Harvest Festival earlier in the term, we have also raised £600 towards the incredible work of our local food bank. On Wednesday we also raised nearly £800 by running a Christmas Jumper Day, all in aid of Save the Children. 

Thank you to all pupils, parents and staff who have so generously contributed to charity efforts this term.