Fifth Form Pupils Hone Interview Skills | Epsom College
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Fifth Form Pupils Hone Interview Skills

On Wednesday evening, we were delighted to welcome 24 parental volunteers to conduct a series of mock interviews with the entire Fifth Form year group. The students had been assigned a holiday task, to produce an application for a work experience post at Cap Gemini.

The interviewers grilled the students, on both their interview techniques and also their CVs and covering letters. Students were suitably nervous in advance, but the interviewers were happy to be able to give positive feedback on how the students presented themselves. Moreover, the experience will stand them in good stead as they consider applying for real work experience opportunities from later this term onwards.

We are particularly grateful for the lead given by parent Mrs Claire Messer, who helped devise the challenge for the year group, an experience which we will look to embed in the careers curriculum.