GCSE Linguists Explore Barcelona | Epsom College
  • Spanish

GCSE Linguists Explore Barcelona

Maria Pontes (Year 10, Murrell) reviews the half term trip to the Catalan capital city

A group of 22 GCSE Spanish students travelled to bustling Barcelona to work on improving their language skills, learn more about Spanish culture, and, of course, enjoy some sightseeing of the most amazing places in Barcelona.

After our flight from London, we arrived at the hotel where we were staying for the next two nights. We had our first lunch outside in the sun, having a lovely and relaxing time socialising and resting after our journey. We also had the chance to test our Spanish by going to a coffee shop and ordering food and drinks. 

That afternoon, we went to the Plaça de Catalunya and Plaça Reia, where we completed an Adventure Quest, working in teams of 3-5 people. Plaça Catalunya is a large square in central Barcelona, and the Plaça Reial is close to La Rambla, a popular tourist attraction, especially at night. Around the plaça there were sculptures, a lot of greenery, and some beautiful Spanish architecture. 

After breakfast on our second day, we visited the Poble Espanyol, which is an open-air architectural museum where we enjoyed the most amazing views over Barcelona. We took multiple photos of the views and bought souvenirs from the mosaic shop, where we had a very nice conversation in Spanish with the kind shop owner.

After another lunch in the sun, we visited the Olympic Museum and Stadium. We learned about the stadium and the Olympics that took place in Barcelona in 1992. We also visited the Plaça Nova where the Gothic Cathedral is situated. Our visit coincided with a festival featuring a Dancing Egg which is an old tradition that takes place in several towns in Catalonia during the feast of Corpus Christi, when an egg is suspended in the vertical jet of a water fountain. There was traditional dancing in the square, and we were invited to join a very kind group to learn the moves.

On the last day, we visited la Sagrada Familia, an amazing church with exceptional architecture. We had a guide who taught us the story of the Cathedral and its architect, Antoni Gaudí. The guide explained how the architecture was related to nature and Jesus’ life, all the way from birth to death and his resurrection. The inside of the church was extraordinarily colourful due to the mosaics on the windows which represent the seasons of the years, which felt very welcoming. After the morning’s activity, we had the opportunity for some shopping and to explore more of the city of Barcelona while speaking Spanish. 

In conclusion, the trip was very exciting and we all had a very good time, socialising and getting to know each other better. It was very educational, culturally and linguistically, and Barcelona is one of the most beautiful cities that I have been to. I really enjoyed getting to know the Spanish culture more as well as learning more about the language. 

On behalf of us all, I would like to thank Ms Hasan, Mr Carr and Mrs Desmier, for going with us on the trip and for all of their help.