Geographers Investigate the River Tillingbourne | Epsom College
  • Geography

Geographers Investigate the River Tillingbourne

A terrific way to start the Summer Term with a field trip to Juniper Hall to investigate the River Tillingbourne. The weather was fine and dry and the pupils had a great day out using practical skills they had studied in the classroom.

Pupils carried out fieldwork to investigate changes in river channel characteristics along the course of the river including a quantitative measure of discharge and qualitative fieldwork methods such as sketch maps to consider landforms such as meanders. They developed an understanding of the questions that can be investigated through fieldwork in river environments and have an opportunity to develop their location knowledge and practice. They travelled to three locations along the river and considered how its characteristics change as you move downstream. We ate a lovely picnic lunch at Abinger Hammer on the green before jumping back in the river to continue collecting data.

By Emily Hargreaves, Head of Geography