German Exchange Pupils Experience British Culture | Epsom College
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German Exchange Pupils Experience British Culture

The second German Exchange saw 14 Epsom students from Years 10 and 11 host their German Exchange partners from Casimirianum Coburg. After weeks of WhatsApp messages between pupils they all finally met on Sunday afternoon when the German pupils arrived after an overnight coach journey from Bavaria. After a nervous introduction, the German students spent the afternoon with their host families, with many enjoying a typical roast dinner.

On Tuesday, after attending lessons in the morning and having a tour of the College, the German students tried their hand at badminton and table tennis and then all pupils took part in a pizza and quiz evening here at the College. A special thanks to Ella Stephens, and to Mrs Hayes for acting as the quizmaster.

During the trip, the German students also spent time in London, visiting attractions such as the London Eye, Covent Garden, and the Globe Theatre. They even took in a West End Musical.

The Gymnasium Casimirianum will return the favour, hosting 13 Epsom pupils from Year 10 and Year 11 at the start of the Christmas holidays for the second half of the exchange between the two schools. Epsom pupils are particularly looking forward to visiting the beautiful Christmas market in Coburg.