German Exchange Students Come To Visit | Epsom College
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German Exchange Students Come To Visit

We welcomed 15 exchange pupils from Germany this week.

The pupils from Gymnasium Casimirianum school in Coburg, Bavaria, stayed with the Epsom pupils and their families and shadowed the pupils during their school days, attending lessons and soaking up everything Epsom has to offer.

After weeks of anticipation and WhatsApp messages between the pupils by way of introduction, the nerves soon disappeared and each side got stuck into the experience. The Epsom pupils especially enjoyed making the most of having native speakers on hand during their German lessons and undertook some ‘speed dating’ conversation tasks in pairs.

On Monday, following a full seven-period day of school, which proved quite exhausting for the German visitors (who are used to finishing lessons at 1pm!) our guests and their hosts enjoyed a night of bowling and socialising.

During their trip, the German students also spent time in London, visiting attractions such as the London Eye, Covent Garden, Platform 9¾ at Kings Cross and even took in a West End Musical.

The Gymnasium Casimirianum pupils will return the favour, hosting 18 Epsom pupils from Year 10, Year 11 and Upper Sixth over the half term break (October 23-28) for the second half of the exchange between the two schools.