Getting Ready For a Safe Return | Epsom College
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Getting Ready For a Safe Return

The last week of homeschooling has been a busy one at Epsom. With grounds prepared for games; the catering team gearing up for full service; our facilities team getting everything spic, span and covid-safe; and a huge team of staff, parents and volunteers mobilising to get our lateral flow testing up and running.

The eye-watering logistical challenge of recruiting, training, and allocating over 200 volunteers; and booking more than 1,000 pupils into over 3,000 tests while maintaining year group bubbles, has been overseen by Teacher of Design Technology (and parent to two pupils) Mr Mike Day, and Mrs Samantha Walker, Acting Senior Sister.

The smooth running of this critical programme is tough enough, but Mr Day oversaw everything while also teaching a full timetable, and Mrs Walker was in her first week of her new role, following the retirement of Mrs Linda Hendry.

At the time of writing, three year groups have been tested, and a fourth is underway. By the end of tomorrow afternoon, all pupils who are available will have been tested and we can resume teaching on Monday safe in the knowledge that all pupils are Covid-free.

A huge thanks to everyone who stepped up to make this happen so successfully. Every volunteer who signed up – whether we ended up calling on you or not – has played a part in getting the College back to the business of face-to-face education. Well done all.