Girls' A Cappella: Somebody to Love | Epsom College
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Girls’ A Cappella: Somebody to Love

We are delighted to share the Girls’ A Cappella group’s rendition of Queen’s Somebody to Love. Assistant Head of Music, Sebastian Johns, worked with the girls over the past 4-5 weeks, in between revision and exams, to produce the video.

“It has been a real pleasure working on this project with the members of the Upper Fourth Girls’ A Cappella group,” Seb explains. “Whilst the Music Department has been eyeing a video like this for a little while, the idea for the song was all theirs, and they have worked really hard to make it happen.

“Without wanting to reveal too many details on the secrets of the production process, it has involved numerous individual recording sessions in the studio as well as an extended filming session in Big School, and the final product is the result of a great deal of effort, energy and relentless good-spiritedness! We do hope that you enjoy watching it.”


  • Bea Digance (Rv)
  • Robyn Emmett (Rv)
  • Minette Marshal (W)
  • Sophie Barrows (Wh)
  • Emily Mitchell (Cr)
  • Emma Wright (R)
  • Amber Roberts (Wh)
  • Amy Henwood (Wh)
  • Olivia Rodriguez (Wh)
  • Anna Gillespie (R)
  • Isabelle Allison (R)
  • Ella Stephens (R)


  • Sophie Bustard (Middle Fourth, Wh)


  • Hattie Stephens (Lower Fourth, GH)

Audio/video recording & production

  • Mr Sebastian Johns