Inter-House University Challenge | Epsom College
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Inter-House University Challenge

The second year of the Inter-House University Challenge competition reached its conclusion last week, as Robinson House won the trophy. This competition had begun last year, inspired by one of last year’s Heads of School, Theo Alexis, and with an additional gift donated to the winners by OE John Darbyshire (P – 1944-48).
Heats had taken place in the weeks running up to the final, and Robinson, Propert, Raven and Carr battled it out in front of a packed Big School audience for this year’s title.

Questions were wide-ranging and veered from the taxing and obscure to the frustratingly knowable – with the glare of the spotlight and time pressure, as well as Mr Keat’s withering Paxman-esque asides, some contestants were more inspired than others.

The Robinson team made up of Henry Tatham, George Dignum, Angus Bruce and Will Jackson stormed to victory, at one point garnering 100 unanswered points, finishing winners by a considerable margin.

Well done to all teams for their participation in this popular competition, to all the Heads of Department for their input with questions, as well as to Mark Bishop and his team of technical wizards for the buzzers. Finally to Mr Russell and Mr Keat for their organisation and hosting.

Mr Andy Bustard