Introduction to Damon Young, Assistant Head of Drama | Epsom College
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Introduction to Damon Young, Assistant Head of Drama

Damon Young joined Epsom’s flourishing Drama department in September, where he dived straight into directing this term’s Senior Play, Tartuffe. Here we run through some quickfire questions with him to get to know the man behind-the-scenes.

Where are you joining Epsom from? Tell us about your career to date.

My last position was at Leighton Park School, a Quaker boarding school with a particularly strong reputation for the arts. Before that I was working in professional theatre as an actor, writer and director. I trained in theatre at Dartington College of Arts and later did an MA in Gender, Society and Culture at Birkbeck College and I completed my teacher training at the University of Reading.

What attracted you to Epsom?

I was attracted to the beautiful grounds, supportive environment, responsive students and the thriving drama department.

What have you most enjoyed in your time at the College so far?

I have thoroughly enjoyed directing Tartuffe – the Senior Play this term – the cast are very talented, inventive and responsive to direction.

Outside of your department, what else are you involved with at the College?

I have a wonderful tutor group in Lower School. It is a delight to get to know these young people at the start of their life in the school, just as I am at the start of mine.

What do you enjoy outside of work?

I have a ten-year-old daughter, so much of my free time is spent concocting adventures for the two of us. I am a poet (one collection published), so I am always looking for opportunities to sit down with my notebook. I love distance running, for fitness and relaxation, particularly – when I get the chance – along the Sussex coast.  I am a member of the British Museum, The Prince Charles Cinema and Middlesex Cricket Club, so you are very likely to find me in one of those places – probably with my daughter.