Languages Trip to Nice | Epsom College
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Languages Trip to Nice

Bright and early on Sunday 22 October, 28 pupils in Fifth Form and Upper Fourth headed off for the Côte d’Azur in the south of France.

A last-minute flight change meant an unexpected journey via Marseille but this had the benefit of providing glorious views from the coach as we headed down into the bay of Nice, our final destination.

The first afternoon was an opportunity for pupils to explore the historical centre of Nice in small groups: some opted for a spot of culture at the Marc Chagall museum, whilst others decided to recharge their batteries at the beach.

The second day started with three hours of language lessons before the group boarded the train for Monaco, taking in the dramatic coastline scenery all the way. Natural wonders were soon replaced by feats of modern engineering, including the luxury cars parading outside the famous Casino de Monte-Carlo and the mega-yachts bobbing in the harbour.

Highlights of the third day included visits to a sweet factory and a perfumery in Grasse, the world capital of all things olfactory. It is very unlikely that there has ever been a more fragrant coachload of teenagers! The last day of the trip started with a hike up to a beautiful park with panoramic views over Nice, which was also judged to be the perfect place for an impromptu game of touch rugby. Fully energised, the group engaged in a final three hours of French lessons before heading for the coach and the journey home.

Luke Baker, Modern Languages Department