Leading the Way at the Epsom Charity Dog Walk | Epsom College
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Leading the Way at the Epsom Charity Dog Walk

The inaugural Charity Wellbeing Dog Walk delighted dogs and owners alike today. The weather smiled on our group of 25 as we strolled the sunny grounds of the College.

Delicious cakes made by Miss Page and Miss Bosa awaited those who completed the walk. Overall, parents, staff and students (and dogs, of course!) helped raise over £180 for the Daniel Spargo-Mabbs Foundation, which was founded in the memory of Daniel, who died aged just 16. The foundation supports young people in making safe choices about drugs.

A big thank you to all who came out to enjoy the sun. Thanks also to Anna Kontsareva (Cr), who spearheaded this collaboration between the Peer Mentors and the Charity Committee and planned many of the details.